Sunday, January 16, 2011

RoyAl BliSs!!!!!

Last night Trav got a phone call from Tay....trying to get us to go out with him and Meg. Trav had to work today and did I...but Trav was trying to be responsible and stay home and get to bed at normal decent time so he wasnt hating life all day today at work. Well needless to say he cant tell Tay no...he did tell him no but he cant stick to a No! Which I am completely ok with this time!!! They were going out to watch Royal Bliss play! We have both wanted to see them live since we have been I was joking around about how if Trav didnt go I was still going to (even tho I wouldnt really do that...but he did say I could) but we went and it was seriously one of the funnest nights EVER! Best night of 2011 for sure!
Royal Bliss is amazing live and puts on such a great show! I cant wait to go see them again!! Josh and Tracy even ended up coming out so it was all the siblings and it was such a great time! Tay and Trav kissed a lot...LOL weird I know, but its not weird with those two! Some of our moto buddies were there too so that made it even funner!
I wish I would have my camera with me because we took some great pics on Tay's phone but I dont have them! We didnt get home until about 1 AM and Trav was about at 5 AM for work and I came into work about noon and now its about time to go home and get the house cleaned and dinner started so we can get to bed early tonight!
Thanks Megan and Tay for an amazing time last night!

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