We were able to go to Vegas this year for the Supercross Finals! Oh My Gosh! It was such a good time! We flew out Thursday afternoon! Got to Vegas, got our Rental Car and headed to the Condo! My Aunt and Uncle have a time share and the condos are SOOOOO nice! We lucked out for sure! Thursday night we went down to the Rio's Buffet for dinner! It was pretty good! Way too expensive but good! Then we went back and mixed us some drinks and got in the Hot Tub! Friday we started drinking way too early then hit the Outlets!
Then we hit the pool for the afternoon! Went to Chili's for dinner with Shaun & Connie! It was good to see those guys!
Saturday was SUPERCROSS!!!
We had so much fun! Got to meet a ton of people!!
Kevin Windham! Boyfriend #1
I had Kevin sign my phone! Now I need a new cover! But he is the oldest fastest guy out there and he is super hot and nice too! Love him!
We got to watch almost all the qualifiers and practices before the main event! It was such a good day. Way HOT! 86 degrees! When we flew out of SLC it was snowing Thursday! Good thing we left when we did!
Davi Milsaps! Boyfriend #2! He is seriously the funniest, nicest guy I have ever met at one of these races. I met him at the first Supercross I went to like 3 years ago and he is such a down to earth guy! Just love him!

Sunday we spent the day on the Strip. Went to Mandalay Bay's Shark Exihibit which was super cool. New York New York, but the roller coast was closed because the wind was so bad that day. We went to some Irish pub in New York New York too! It was a cool little place! Coyote Ugly, well we didnt go in the actual bar, just to the bar outside of the actual bar and Trav got a shot so I could have the shot glass! It was a good deal!
Sunday we spent the day on the Strip. Went to Mandalay Bay's Shark Exihibit which was super cool. New York New York, but the roller coast was closed because the wind was so bad that day. We went to some Irish pub in New York New York too! It was a cool little place! Coyote Ugly, well we didnt go in the actual bar, just to the bar outside of the actual bar and Trav got a shot so I could have the shot glass! It was a good deal!
I found the cutest hat too at one of the shops and at one of the hotels. Dont remember which one, but the hat is super cute! Pretty sure I love it!
It was a GREAT trip! Spent way more money than we had planned on, but it was a good vacation and I think we all needed it for sure!
This last weekend Trav raced at OCA again. He did good again! I love watching him race! I suck really bad and took 1 picture the entire weekend and didnt time it right so I got the guy behind him! So I have no pictures to show!
Trav got 4th on 3 of his 4 Over 25 Moto's. The other one I am not sure where he ended up cause he went down in the back section and banged up his hip and then he had mud in his goggles so he had to stop again. So not sure where he ended up, but the important thing is he wasnt hurt! Just a bruised hip.
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